Winter School 2019: Quantum Many-body Systems
Understanding dynamics of quantum many-body systems far from equilibrium is an important issue in several branches of physics, from AMO to condensed matter and nonlinear physics. AMO techniques, with precise control over interactions and few-body spectra, are shedding direct light on such topical issues as dissipation, entanglement, thermalization and entropy, and chaos and irreversibility. This school will bring together students with interests in this broad spectrum of topics and world-class lecturers to intimately engage in discussions.
Dmitry Abanin (Geneva),
Immanuel Bloch (MPQ),
Eugene Demler (Harvard),
Thierry Giamarchi (Geneva),
Fabian Grusdt (Harvard),
Norman Yao (Berkeley)
Richard Schmidt (MPQ),
Jonathan Simon (Univ. of Chicago).