Release Images

Release No.: 2013-19
For Release: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 - 1:00pm

Earth's Gold Came from Colliding Dead Stars

artist's conception portrays two neutron stars at the moment of collision

This artist's conception portrays two neutron stars at the moment of collision. New observations confirm that colliding neutron stars produce short gamma-ray bursts. Such collisions produce rare heavy elements, including gold. All Earth's gold likely came from colliding neutron stars.

Dana Berry, SkyWorks Digital, Inc.

artist's conception portrays two neutron stars at the moment of collision

This artist's conception portrays two neutron stars at the moment of collision. New observations confirm that colliding neutron stars produce short gamma-ray bursts. Such collisions produce rare heavy elements, including gold. All Earth's gold likely came from colliding neutron stars.

Dana Berry, SkyWorks Digital, Inc.

This animation shows the collision and merger of two neutron stars.
Merging neutron stars can create an event known as a short gamma-ray

Dana Berry, SkyWorks Digital, Inc.