Pushing the Boundaries of X-ray Astronomy and Optics Technology

pH Lecture
Thursday, April 14, 2016 - 4:00pm
Phillips Auditorium

The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is a leader in the field of X-ray astronomy, which opens a window onto the high-energy universe and reveals details about supernovae, black holes, and other extreme objects. SAO is developing the X-Ray Surveyor (XRS), the successor to the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The XRS will collect 30 times as much light as Chandra while matching Chandra’s sub-arcsecond angular resolution over a 10-arcminute-radius field-of-view.

For the XRS to become a reality, however, significant advances must be made in the design and fabrication of the telescope optics. SAO proposes to use 8,000 thin, segmented Wolter-Schwarzschild optics with piezoelectric actuators to create optical surfaces that can be adjusted both on the ground and after launch.

In addition, SAO has developed a new system for measuring the accuracy of those optical surfaces. I will present correction results from a flat adjustable mirror with high actuator yield along with the status of ongoing figure correction on a higher-fidelity cylindrical prototype.

On the X-ray spectroscopy front, SAO has proposed an Explorer-class mission called Arcus. Arcus would achieve better spectral resolution than existing missions like Chandra or XMM-Newton. I will review the Arcus optical design and the status of the technology readiness level demonstration, including the prototype grating module we are building for testing at the PANTER X-ray beamline in Germany.