High Energy Phenomena Seminar Schedule

Click on the date to view more information about each talk.

Date Speaker Title Special Note
Wed 01/27/2021
  1. Javier Garcia (CalTech)
  2. Shifu Zhu (Penn State U.)
  1. X-ray Reflection Spectroscopy of Black Hole Binaries
  2. The Lx–Luv–Lradio relation and corona–disc–jet connection in optically selected radio-loud quasars

Zoom link here.

Wed 02/03/2021
  1. Dheeraj Pasham (MIT)
  2. Dan Wik (U. Utah)
  1. Dedicated multi-wavelength observations of tidal disruption events to study accretion state transitions in individual supermassive black holes
  2. A Novel Measurement of the Cosmic X-ray Background from 3-40 keV with NuSTAR

Zoom link here.

Wed 02/10/2021
  1. Martin Pohl (U. Potsdam/DESY)
  2. Thomas Pasini (U. Hamburg)
  1. Magnetic-field structure and electron heating at collisionless shocks
  2. A first view at the core of A1668: offset cooling and AGN feedback

Zoom link here.

Wed 02/17/2021
  1. Karri Koljonen (U. of Turku)
  2. Lindsay Glesener (U. of Minnesota)
  1. What is going on with GRS 1915+105?
  2. Studying Small-Scale Energy Release in Solar Hard X-ray Flares

Zoom link here.

Wed 02/24/2021
  1. Aurora Simionescu (SRON)
  2. Wen-fai Fong (Northwestern U.)
  1. The mechanical impact of supermassive black hole jets and lobes
  2. Searching Near and Far for Kilonova Emission from Neutron Star Mergers

Zoom link here.

Wed 03/03/2021
  1. Alexandre Marcowith (U. Montpellier)
  2. Susanne Aalto (Chalmers University of Technology)
  1. Energetic particles and Cosmic Rays in young stellar objects.
  2. Thick as thieves - unveiling the most compact and obscured galaxy nuclei

Zoom link here.

Wed 03/10/2021
  1. Yue (Cory) Zhao (U. of Alberta)
  2. Elisa Costantini (SRON)
  1. Identification of X-ray sources in Galactic globular clusters
  2. The X-ray view of interstellar dust

Zoom link here.

Wed 03/31/2021
  1. Santiago Ubach Ramirez (CfA/UA Barcelona)
  2. Rafaella Morganti (ASTRON)

Zoom link here.

Wed 04/07/2021
  1. Satoru Katsuda (Saitama University)
  2. Anna Lia Longinotti (UNAM)

Zoom link here.

Wed 04/14/2021
  1. Marat Gilfanov (IKI/MPA)
  2. Elena Rasia (INAF-Trieste)

Zoom link here.

Wed 04/21/2021
  1. Stephen Reynolds (North Carolina State U.)

Zoom link here.

Wed 04/28/2021
  1. Mojegan Azadi (CfA)
  2. Georgia de Nolfo (NASA/GSFC)

Zoom link here.

Wed 05/05/2021
  1. Paul Ricker (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Zoom link here.

Wed 05/12/2021
  1. Alexander Lutovinov (RAS/IKI)
  2. Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo (U. of Montreal)

Zoom link here.

Wed 05/19/2021
  1. Lia Corrales

Zoom link here.