OIR Instruments


Binospec is an imaging spectrograph with dual 8'x15' fields of view, and a very compact layout for excellent stability. It has dual slitmasks which can hold up to 150 slitlets for multiobject spectroscopy. It is scheduled for commissioning in November 2017.


The f/5 Wavefront Sensor contains two instruments: a commercial Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and a (new as of 2013) rapid deployment Science Camera with a ugriz filter set. The Apogee camera has a e2v 2048x2048 CCD with 0.08 arcsec pixels and a 2.7x2.7 arcmin field of view.


The Hectochelle adds a high dispersion capability to Hectospec's moderate dispersion with a second, very large bench-mounted spectrograph using an echelle grating. Hectochelle uses 240 of Hectospec's 300 fibers and Hectospec's robotic positioner and attains R~32,000 (sigma~4 km s-1) over single, filter-selected orders.


Hectospec is a moderate-resolution, multiobject optical spectrograph fed by 300 optical fibers. The instrument is composed of a robotic positioner and a large, bench-mounted spectrograph, joined by a bundle of 25m long optical fibers.

IRAC under construction

The Spitzer Space Telescope contains three focal plane instruments, one of which is the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC). IRAC is a four-channel camera that provides simultaneous 5.12 x 5.12 arcmin images at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 microns.


Megacam is a large mosaic CCD camera with a 24 arcminute square field of view, made up of 36 CCDs with 2048x4608 pixels. Its 0.08 arcsecond pixels offer good sampling at the best seeing. Megacam has a 20 second readout time and 8 filter slots, in addition to in-dewar guiding and focusing. It is available at the Magellan Clay telescope.


The MMT and Magellan Infrared Spectrograph is a wide-field near-IR imager and multi-object spectrograph built by SAO. MMIRS was commissioned on the MMT in 2009, used on Magellan's 6.5m Clay Telescope for several years, and is now back at the MMT.


The SAO Widefield InfraRed Camera (SWIRC) operates at the f/5 focus of the MMT. Proposed in May 2003 and commissioned in June 2004, the goal of the instrument was to deliver quickly a wide field-of-view instrument with minimal optical elements and hence high throughput. With the arrival of MMIRS at the MMT, SWIRC is no longer available.

Tres solar spectrum

The design is a high-throughput fiber-fed echelle. It is cross-dispersed, yielding a passband of 390-910 nm. It accommodates 3 optical fiber pairs (science+sky) and offers 3 resolutions, 60K, 48K and 30K.

Wide Field Corrector

The Wide Field Corrector consists of a group of lenses that remove off-axis aberrations at the f/5 focus of the converted MMT and the Magellan Clay telescope, allowing the telescope to offer excellent images over a very large field.